I was blog surfing a bit ago and ran across a blog where a girl at one point has posted a blog about what was in her bag and I thought it was pretty fun so decided to do it myself! I have a HUGE purse obsession that really, I should seek help for but I don't want to be saved from it so I'll stay away from the meetings! LOL I've toned it down a bit because of husbands dislike of my addiction but I still can't help but feel them calling to me when I'm in a store! LOL Anyways, so here's a shot looking into my purse from the top:
This is what's inside---Wallet, checkbook, too many pens & pencils, lots & lots of loose change that I've been meaning to put in my kids' piggy banks, a bundle of bobby pins...been wondering where all my bobby pins have disappeared to...a hair tie, kleenex, wet wipes (my son has an obsession with making sure he's clean after he poos so when we're in public I HAVE to have these on hand), lotion, lip gloss, hand sanitizer which I don't ever even use because I think it's of the devil LOL, 3 packs of gum...who needs 3 packs of gum in their purse????...2 gold coins that I took to church for a Sunday school lesson I was teaching, the square thing with a moon on it is a little flashlight...I've never used it for the purpose I put it in my purse for, ya know, being out at night and not being able to find the keyhole in the van door but it comes in handy when my son is bored LOL! What else??? A mini purple notebook, directions to a friends house, a spare binky, two baby hair bows, a $5 bill and a check that I need to cash and my glasses in their case. This was a good opportunity for me to clean out my purse and I'm feeling the need to use a different purse. Before, when I was done using a purse I would just give it away but since my hubby didn't like me buying new ones all the time I decided to start holding onto them and yes, I'd still buy a purse here and there but now I've gotten good at reusing some of the older ones!
So now I'm curious...what's in your bag???
What a fun idea! I actually just downgraded to a wallet pure, so there's not much in there! My mom and sister however...HOLY COW!! I have to say though, whenever we need something, you can be rest assured it's in mom's purse!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how when we become parents, the stuff in our purse/bags leans more to the kids? (binky, flashlight etc) I always have pen/pencil on hand because my daughter loves to doodle and write stories, so it's good to always have something on hand for those times when they are bored!