Thursday, August 20, 2009

Post #2 for the night!

I got some new stacks of papers from JoAnn's today (shhhhh...don't tell my hubby LOL). Really, I had two 40% off coupons and a love coupon from hubby saying I could buy a stamp set (my love language is gifts and he's not so good in that department so he just wrote a coupon and put it in the jar labelled "Love Tank" that he made for me a few years ago) so I used that money for this stuff. Anyways, I bought a SUPER COOL pack from DCWV called All About Boys and it has some really neat paper in it that my son ohhhed and awwwed over so I decided to make him a card and ended up making two.

Here's a lovely picture of my mess:

Is anyone as messy as me when you're working on stuff? I try to keep it an organized mess but whatever! LOL

Alright, now I'm off to clean up and visit with my sis before we hit the hay!


  1. I am THE messiest crafter...don't know why I can't put stuff back when I have used it.
    LOVE your cards..that planet is too cool.

  2. These are so cute Christina! I went shopping at Joann's last night and got two new packs of paper as well!! Love your cards!
