Monday, August 31, 2009
My clumsy update! LOL
I managed to get some sleep last night thanks to some Advil PM but the pain woke me up off and on. Today my knees are really tender and it's hard because I'm trying to work on my range of motion but it hurts somethin fierce especially when I bend my left knee. I don't think I did major damage to the knee itself but I'm fairly certain I've bruised it internally and it will just take time before it feels better. My right knee oozes grossness a lot but I've kept bandages on it for most of the day. Right now I'm in shorts and letting them get some air but will put some more neosporin and bandages on before bed. I guess the silver lining to all of this is that I haven't been as itchy today from the poison oak. I don't know if that means it's healing up and getting better or its just that my mind is mainly focused on the pain from my knees and forgets that I'm itchy too! LOL Whatever the case, I'm just glad I'm not as itchy!
I took my son to get an eye exam today and found out that he needs glasses for reading. He's pretty excited about it but I know that will pass after awhile and I can just see the battles to get him to wear them. Maybe since DH and I both wear glasses and he will only have to wear them when we do school work or when he's reading his comic books it won't be so bad. I thank God that he doesn't have to wear them all the time because he's very athletic and I'd hate for him to have to wear them while playing sports and stuff.
My daughter will be 14 months old on Wednesday and can you believe it...she still has yet to have a tooth pop through her little gums! It's craziness! I know the longer it takes for them to get teeth, the healthier they are but it's so funny to see all our friends' babies with mouths full of teeth and my sweet girl has zippo! :O) We can tell there are at least 2 teeth wanting to pop out on her bottom gums but it's been at least a month that it's looked like that. I joked with my sister who is in dental school that maybe I should be worried that she doesn't have any teeth but I know that's not the case! I'm curious to see what she's going to look like with teeth. I just love seeing how much babies change.
Alright, enough blabbering, I should go do something creative or at least get my shopping list in order! YAY for payday tomorrow! :)
Thanks for all the well wishes and sympathy, you girls really are the best! *sniffle*tear*sniffle* LOL HUGS TO YOU ALL!!!
Blog candy!
Don't forget to check out all her cool creations while you're at it!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Not for those grossed out by blood!
The picture doesn't even do it justice (thanks honey for having lame photog skills, LOL). My left leg hurts the worst because it looks like I landed right on a rock. It hurts to the bone and is throbbing like crazy. The right knee got tore up a lot more so there's a lot of blood. I'm already soaking through my big bandages (sorry for the gross out) and thankfully have a first aid kit in the van with more. I had 3 vicodin left in my medicine cabinet from when I had my daughter (who is now almost 14 months old) so I took one of those because the pain is so bad. I ended up crying pretty good for a few minutes which I hate. Makes me feel like a child but I had to let it out! The pain pill has finally kicked in but I can still feel the throbbing. Pretty sure I'm going to be sore for the next few days which really sucks because my goal this week was to get back into my exercise routine! Oh well...hopefully it heals quickly!!!
Now my hubby is running to the store to get me some more bandages for tomorrow...God love em', he's a great hubby! He helped clean me up and get me situated!!
Alright...I'm gonna go lay down and put these legs up! Sorry if the pic grossed you out!!! :)
Post #3 for the night! On a roll! :)
I'm going to finish up the rest and finish the outside of the book tomorrow (hopefully).
Have a great's after midnight! Whatever, I'm sure your catchin what I'm throwin! :O)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Message note board & birthday cards
After getting the cards done I decided to tackle a new project that I've been wanting to try out. I had found a package of 4-5 corkboards at Walmart for like $6 and knew I wanted to try to make one of these note boards. I dug through some of my craft bins in the garage and remembered I had bought some cloth napkins on clearance on the off chance I could find something to use them for and this was perfect! I found coordinating ribbon and went to work. It took awhile because staples weren't the best at holding the fabric on the back so then I busted out that stuff you use for sewing that doesn't require sewing! You put it between two pieces of fabric, use an iron and it glues it together. I added the ribbon, some brads to the front and this is the end result:
I put a birthday card on here to give you the idea of what to use it for (if you already didn't know):
I'm really excited with the way it turned out. Now I just need to put a piece of wood or cardboard on the back to make it more stable!
Alright, it's a beautiful day and the kids are napping right now so I'm going to go clean up my mess a bit (I'm a bad girl and left it out all night) and get some chores done or maybe squeeze in a nap for myself! :)
Friday, August 28, 2009
I love birthdays!
One of my dearest friends, Deena, is having a birthday next month and I'm so excited because my family and I actually get to go celebrate with her! They moved away 1 1/2 years ago and we haven't been able to make it to any of their birthday parties (she has 5 kiddos...GOD LOVE HER! LOL) because it's a 3 hour drive and with my hubby having to work Saturdays it just hasn't worked out. This year the party is on a Sunday so we get to go party it up with them! YAY!! When I first made a cookie sheet magnet board she had mentioned that she liked them and wanted one so I knew exactly what I wanted to make for her birthday:
When it came time to maker her card I thought it would be a cool idea to make her card match the cookie sheet and then use one of the magnets I put on the board to hold the card! I love the magnets too. Awhile back at our christian bookstore I bought 3 packages of these magnets that have bible verses and symbolic pictures on them so I grabbed 4 magnets out of a pack and put on this board! Here is the card:
Another birthday we're celebrating in Sept. is my mom's! She's turning 50 this year so we're throwing her a party!! Her favorite color is purple so I made this card for her:
Now I need to decide what to get her for her big birthday! I also have quite a few other birthday cards to make and presents to make/buy! There's gotta be something about December & January being such cold months that makes for lots of September babies! LOL
On that's raining outside and weirdly enough, I'm kinda thankful for it! My ovaries have rebelled today and I'm in a lot of pain so it's a good excuse to have to just lay low and stay inside! I'm off to take some midol and lay down til it kicks in! HAPPY FRIDAY FRIENDS!!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
ROCK ON!!! Met my first WW goal at week #6!!!
YAY YAY YAY!!!! Ok, so my goal this week is to get back on track with my exercise. It's gonna be hard because I have my mom's 50th birthday party to co-plan with my sister, her present and card to make along with 5 other cards, my friend Deena's birthday present to make and I need to do my meal planning for the next month and start getting my lesson plans in order for homeschool co-op (I'm teaching hands-on PreK)'s gonna be a busy week but I have to make sure I get out and go on my walks no matter what!
Alright, I'm off to work on some of those projects...with a big ol' smile on my face!! Buh-bye 14.2 lbs I'd like to say you will be missed but that would be a big fat lie! LOL
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Post #2 for the night!
Here's a lovely picture of my mess:
Is anyone as messy as me when you're working on stuff? I try to keep it an organized mess but whatever! LOL
Alright, now I'm off to clean up and visit with my sis before we hit the hay!
Weight Watchers week #5
So yeah, anyways, not too shabby, not too shabby! Now I just think how much weight I could've lost had I not eaten all that garbage this week! Tomorrow begins a new week and I'm vowing to do better and throw in some 3 mile walks while I'm at it!!!
Goodnight bloggin buddies, thanks for all the support and cheering me on...again, you guys are THE BEST!!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Support a great cause!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What a crazy week!
Today my grandma called and said they're having a birthday dinner for one of my uncles so instead of using a card I already had put together I decided that I was due for a creative session so I sat down and made him a card! I'm telling you, I'm not good with masculine cards, it's a big struggle of mine but I think it turned out pretty manly! LOL I used the CTMH Originals book to give me the outline and then I used the Heirloom paper pack (mentally noting it will be a good one to use for Christmas cards) and VIOLA:
Alright, now I need to clean up my mess before my daughter wakes up from her nap and decides to make an even bigger mess!! HAPPY TUESDAY (I've thought it was Wednesday but whatever LOL!)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Weigh-In Week #4
Alright, I'm off to freshen up for my wonderfully hubby, he should be here any minute!
A three-fer
Here are three cards I made last night.
Here's the inside:
I'm really excited with the way they turned out. The last week or so I've really struggled with my designs so it was nice to sit down last night and have things just coming together without much effort! I've only been making cards for 6 months now and I still feel myself holding back, too afraid to really let go and just experiment! I see so many blogs of ladies with amazing cards and projects and I always wonder how their brains work because I see their end work and I think "I would never think to put those colors together or those accessories on there!" I'm soaking it all in and someday I hope to experience the release of my inhibition so I can start playing around with different styles! I don't like feeling so reserved! LOL
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Short and sweet!
Tomorrow is weigh-in for week 4 and I'm not expecting a big loss, I think I'll be lucky with any loss. I've eaten pretty good but haven't been drinking my water or working out (other than tonight). We'll see, I'll definitely let everyone know!
Have a great night!!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Blog Candy
Go to Steph's blog: Where'd All My Money Go?!
Good Morning
Here are 3 cards I made last night. I love how the butterfly one turned out...not so impressed with the other two but I'm posting the good, the bad and the ugly, no matter what! It's fun to look back at the way I've made cards even if some of them are lame-o!
Well, I'm outta here, gotta get some school work done so we can go play!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
One word: FUN!
{You can play this too, just cut and paste, add your own response and paste into your blog…}
you're feeling: Excited
to your left: Treadmill
on your mind: Hubby
last meal included: Pita
you sometimes find it hard to: Relax
something you have a collection of: Purses
a smell that cheers you up: Clean
a smell that can ruin your mood: Farts
how long since you last shaved: days
the current state of your hair: Up
the largest item on your desk/workplace right now (not computer): Purse
your skill with chopsticks: Decent
which section you head to first in the bookstore: Crafts
something you're craving: Pizza
your general thoughts on politics: Irritation
how many times you've been hospitalized this year: None
a favorite place to go for quiet time: Bedroom
you've always secretly thought you'd be a good: Baker
something that freaks you out a little: Debt
something you've eaten too much of lately: Turkeylunchmeat (counts as one word, right?? LOL)
you have never: Canned
you never want to be: Unsaved
Please let me know if you posted this quiz on your Blog too!
Friday, August 7, 2009
A couple 3x3's and a magnet board!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Yay...good weight loss this week!!!
Alright, I'm off to get ready for hubby coming home from work and then we're off to buy produce and have dinner! Thanks for all the encouragement and support ladies, YOU ROCK!!!!
Missin my boy!
Hubby & I have a new tv show obsession...LOST! Yeah, I saw previews forever and thought it was some weird sci-fi show that I had no interest in watching but, like with Twilight, my curiosity won out and I watched the 2 pilot episodes and got hooked! I'm all through Gilmore Girls and am now on season 2 of Lost! My poor hubby doesn't get to watch all the episodes because he's at work during the day and spends a few nights a week playing video games with one of his best friends so I watch episodes without him and so all he gets is a recap from me! :O) I guess if I was a good wife I'd wait for him but oh well! LOL He really doesn't mind! If he asked me to only watch them with him then I would!
Alright, I'm off to enjoy some alone time with my daughter!! HAPPY THURSDAY! Oh yeah, it's weigh-in day at WW! Sorta nervous about this week because I haven't worked out at all and had a couple bad POINTS days...we shall see! I'll keep ya posted!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Alanna's blog candy
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A sweet blog treat!!